Smile Center NY


Category: Sedation Dentistry

Concept of advertising dentist and healthy teeth.

Conquering Dental Anxiety: How Sedation Dentistry Can Help

For many people, a dental office is simply a place for routine checkups that results in brighter, healthier, and more beautiful smiles. For others, the mere thought of it is enough to turn clammy, and anxious. And going there? That’s another thing entirely. Dental anxiety affects millions of people, preventing them from getting the dental

What You Need to Know About Sedation Dentistry

What You Need to Know About Sedation Dentistry

For some people, going to the dentist is a breeze. For others, it’s an anxiety-ridden event that requires courage to work up to and is never looked forward to. But visiting the dentist is an essential part of life, so no matter which category you fall into, getting yourself to

Doctor dentist holding syringe, pursuing dental anesthesia procedure

What is IV Sedation?

Anxiety or fear can cause individuals not to receive the dental care they need and deserve. Many patients avoid making dental appointments due to this unwarranted fear of the dentist’s chair. However, dentists such as Dr. Kent, of The Smile Center, offer various forms of sedation to help ease the

Patient examined at dentist office

Dentist in Buffalo, NY explains dental sedation

Modern life is full of stressful situations – getting and losing jobs; dating, mating, and divorce; moving and buying a home; illness and losing loved ones. Maybe you are one of thousands in the Buffalo, NY area that also stresses at the idea of visiting a dentist. Then you’ll be

Dentist examining a patients teeth in the dentists chair at the dental clinic

The benefits of enteral sedation in Buffalo

At Smile Center in Buffalo, NY, we understand how paralyzing and agonizing fear can be – and we don’t want our patients to feel that way. Sedation is a safe, effective way for the most anxious, fearful patients to receive much needed dental care. It even enables phobic individuals to

Dentist talking with young patient in dental clinic

How does oral sedation work on Buffalo patients?

It is common for patients of all ages to be fearful of the dentist. Many Americans are anxious when it comes to dental care. Thankfully, patients can overcome this with oral sedation. Buffalo area practice, the Smile Center, offers oral sedation for those who want to be calmed and comforted

Equipment for sedation in dental surgery

Your Buffalo dentist improves your experience with IV sedation

In the common medical setting, patients receiving certain types of care are offered some type of sedation to ensure comfort and alleviate anxiety. In many situations, the use of sedation can facilitate a smooth procedure. It has only been a recent development of dentistry, however, to offer patients sedation for

Adult female dentist treating patient woman teeth

What is IV Sedation Dentistry in Buffalo NY?

Do you find that you seem to come up with multiple excuses not to see the dentist? You’re busy. Your teeth feel fine. Whatever the justification may be, it is often masking a fear of sitting in the dental chair. At Smile Center, we believe in making the entire dental

Doctor dentist holding syringe, pursuing dental anesthesia procedure

What is IV Sedation?

Anxiety or fear can cause individuals not to receive the dental care they need and deserve. Many patients avoid making dental appointments due to this