Smile Center NY



Smile Makeovers: Unleashing Your Best Smile with Smile Center’s Comprehensive Approach

Smile Makeovers: Unleashing Your Best Smile with Smile Center’s Comprehensive Approach

Your smile, whether it’s a subtle curl or a wide grin, can do wonders. A captivating smile can leave a lasting positive impression on someone, boost confidence, and exude positivity around you.

So, why not take care of your smile? If you’re in the Buffalo, NY, area and looking for a way to improve or maintain that smile, Smile Center is here to help you! We offer a holistic and comprehensive approach to your dream smile.

In this post, we will share how Smile Center unleashes the best smile in everyone. By combining multiple dentistry procedures, such as immediate dentures and implants, we can achieve transformative smile makeovers for a better and more confident you!

Harnessing the Power of Dental Implants
Missing or loose teeth from accident or decay can hinder eating or cause self-consciousness. Dental implants can put an end to the discomfort of loose or missing teeth.

What are Dental Implants?
Dental implants can provide you a permanent and natural-looking solution to your missing teeth or loose teeth problems. This is done by implanting metal, screw-like posts into the jawbone and attaching artificial teeth that look, feel, and work like the real one. Dental implants are a procedure we can do for you to replace damaged, loose, or missing teeth, enabling you to smile once again and feel as good as new.

Dental Implants Benefits at Smile Center
Is getting dental implants necessary? We’re glad you asked! Here are just some of the many benefits you can get from having dental implants at Smile Center.

  • Experience all the phases of dental implants from start to finish under one roof
  • Smile Center understands dental anxiety all too well and provides sedation dentistry for a stress-free experience
  • Our restorations are made in our own laboratory to guarantee superior quality and easier customization to suit you perfectly

We have happy and satisfied clients who are struggling with either missing teeth or loose teeth. They suffered from anxiety, insecurity, and embarrassment because of it. Our capable team at Smile Center recommended a combination of cosmetic dentistry, immediate dentures, and implants, resulting in happier and more satisfied clients. You can see it in their beautiful, natural-looking smiles that they’re finally done dealing with issues involving loose teeth or missing teeth.

Crafting Beauty with Functionality with Cosmetic Dentistry

A makeover is about beautifying, and that’s exactly what Smile Center is all about with the help of cosmetic dentistry. We aim to fix dental issues while ensuring beautiful and radiant smiles that complement your features.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?
Cosmetic dentistry is where we focus on the aesthetics and appearance of your smile. The common dental procedures that fall in this category are teeth whitening, veneers, dental bonding, and more. At Smile Center in Buffalo, NY, everything we do is cosmetic dentistry!

Quality Cosmetic Dentistry at Smile Center
With our own in-house laboratory, having full control of materials and production, we can guarantee the quality of our restorations.

Smile Center aims for perfection. If something is not perfect, the phrase ‘let’s make do’ is never in our vocabulary. And thanks to our in-house lab, you don’t have to wait for a suitable replacement for your dental cosmetic needs. We also ensure that all of our procedures are done with a gentle and caring hand and nothing but beauty and art in mind.

Are misaligned and discolored teeth cramping your style? With the perfect combination of cosmetic dentistry to suit your needs, we can turn that frown upside down. You can see from our clients and their reviews at the Smile Center just how happy they are with the results of giving them a brighter and more dazzling smile than before.

Sedation Dentistry for Anxiety and Stress-Free Experiences
Does sitting in a dentist’s chair make your heart race–and not in a good way, or does the thought of going to the dentist fill you with dread? Dental anxiety is not new; we understand since some of us have been there.

However, even if they’re not uncommon, they can pose a hindrance to the process of maintaining or improving one’s smile. Never fear because if you’re in the Buffalo, NY area, Smile Center has you covered with sedation dentistry.

What is Sedation Dentistry?
If you are one of the people, who suffer from dental anxiety but can’t put off not going to the dentist any longer, then sedation dentistry is an option for you. This helps you feel calm and at ease during your dental procedures. Sometimes called conscious sedation dentistry or ‘twilight sleep,’ the patient won’t be able to feel any pain or memory about the procedure while they remain conscious.

Common Types of Sedation Dentistry
Nitrous Oxide. 
It may sound scary and dangerous at first, but it’s not and is actually known as the laughing gas. It’s the mildest form of sedation, administered through a nosepiece, and the dose is adjusted accordingly throughout the procedure.

Oral Sedation. It’s a sedative medication that usually comes in pill form. It is ingested an hour or so before any dental procedure. It induces relaxation and can sometimes make the patient fall asleep but still conscious and able to answer the dentist if necessary.

IV Sedation. Intravenous (IV) sedation is the deepest level of sedation dentistry. This involves administering sedatives directly into your bloodstream via an IV line. Despite being the deepest level of sedation dentistry, it’s still considered mild compared to general anesthesia. This is commonly used for procedures that will take a long while to finish.

We don’t take dental anxiety lightly. Our patients’ comfort and peace of mind are our top priorities. One of our goals is to ensure that our patients achieve their dream smiles without having to fear, stress, or dread any dental visits they make now and in the future.

Instant Radiant Smile with Immediate Dentures

At Smile Center in Buffalo, NY, we understand the desire for instant results in smile makeovers. Not only that, but we also understand that cosmetic dentistry and restorative procedures are not for everyone. But the good news is that we can deliver what you need quickly and easily with immediate dentures.

What Are Immediate Dentures?
Immediate dentures are either complete or partial dentures that are crafted and inserted on the same day after the removal of permanent teeth. This makes it possible for patients to leave our establishment fired up and ready to flash their brand-new pearly whites the moment they step out of our doors.

Immediate dentures are for you if you fit one or more of the following :

  • You have many missing teeth
  • Your periodontal disease is intense and severe
  • You hate your teeth and want a replacement ASAP

Immediate Dentures Benefits at Smile Center

  • Do immediate dentures look natural? Well, we are proud to say that our immediate dentures don’t look like dentures at all! Instead, they’ll look like natural teeth but better
  • Enjoy your food, eat without pain or discomfort even after the procedure
  • You have the power. Your dentures won’t be completed until you are happy and satisfied with your new smile!
  • Enjoy and be proud of your new smile as soon as you can!

 We will ensure that after you walk out our door, enjoy the fantastic immediate denture benefits! You’ll also be sporting a big grin without compromising your comfort and ability to enjoy your favorite foods.

Your Personalized Smile Makeover Journey

Smile Center makes it a point to achieve the perfect smile makeover. We do this by combining complementary dental procedures such as dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, and more to achieve the perfect smile.

However, we don’t just mix and match the same procedures for all of our patients. The path to the perfect smile is not a one-size-fits-all. We thoroughly assess each patient’s current dental health, aesthetic goals, concerns, and desires. Afterward, we formulate and tailor a plan that suits each patient perfectly.

Ready to start your personalized smile makeover journey in Buffalo, NY? Smile Center is here to guide you to a radiant and dazzling smile!