Smile Center NY


Buffalo, NY dentist explains how patients in the 14225 area can overcome dental anxiety with sedation dentistry

Happy male dentist showing tablet pc computer to woman patient at dental clinic office

Fear of the dentist is a real concern. And it’s one that affects adults as well as children across the United States. In some cases, the patient becomes nervous or apprehensive because he or she isn’t sure about what may take place at the appointment. In other cases, the fear is so intense that patients simply cannot bring themselves to undergo dental checkups or restorative treatment.

If you live in the Buffalo, NY, area and are uncomfortable with thoughts about going to the dentist, it’s important to note that you have options. Instead of sitting at home worrying about what could happen, you can receive great dental treatment in a calm and comforting manner.

Dr. Gordon Kent of the Smile Center has been helping patients in the 14255 area overcome dental anxiety using safe and effective sedation methods. With in-office sedation patients are relaxed, yet awake and able to respond to commands or to answer questions.

Conscious sedation can take several forms. For those patients who only have a mild anxiety, laughing gas is typically used. This form of sedation delivers medication through an oxygen mask. It can be turned on and off immediately and allows the patient to feel calm, but alert. For those patients who have deeper fears, sedation medication can be delivered via pill or IV. In these cases, the level of relaxation is deeper. While the patient is awake during the procedure, many don’t remember much of the appointment when it’s over.

In addition to receiving necessary dental care, patients who opt for sedation dentistry often eventually overcome their fear by replacing bad dental memories or fears with positive experiences. Dr. Kent understands that fear of the dentist is something that most patients don’t even want to talk about. He urges patients not to be embarrassed but instead to understand that the Smile Center team is available to help provide quality dental care in a relaxing and trusting manner. For more information about sedation dentistry, call the Smile Center office today.