Smile Center NY



Receiving a same day denture is possible at Buffalo area dental practice

Prosthetics hands while working on a denture

Some patients who visit our Buffalo area practice are struggling with many dental health issues. They may be dealing with missing teeth, advanced stages of periodontal disease, severe decay, and an unattractive smile. When patients want to find a cosmetic solution to their problem that can also improve function, they are encouraged to speak to the team at The Smile Center.

Dr. Gordon Kent and his team of professionals at The Smile Center in Buffalo, NY are committed to assisting patients with enhancement of the smile. Some patients may want to address damaged or lost teeth, while others may want to go for full replacement with dentures for a fresh start. Speaking with a quality dentist is the first step in ensuring comprehensive care for the smile.

An examination is the first step. Patients can take this time to consult with their dentist to determine if a denture is a smart choice. Patients often want a fast solution, in which we may suggest our same day dentures. In approximately two hours, patients can enjoy immediate repair of their smile with just one appointment.

Same day dentures are made in-house with precision in color, shape, and size. We want our patients to have a say in their new smile, and we work with them to discuss the ways in which we can improve appearance with full dentures. Patients will book an appointment and can request one of the many levels of sedation available for addressing anxiety. The teeth are removed the same day a healing denture is placed. The following day, patients will return to the office for a follow-up to ensure all is healing as expected. Within approximately three months, after the healing process has completed, patients will revisit our dental practice and then work with our professionals to develop their permanent dentures.

Same day dentures are fast, easy, and affordable. They look just like natural teeth, and many patients enjoy using them while the healing process occurs. Dr. Gordon Kent encourages his patients to consider these, and many other denture options, available at his practice and discuss the benefits of tooth replacement solutions.