Smile Center NY


The best treatment experience may include sedation from your dentist in Buffalo NY

Happy dentist and patient in dentist's office

For millions of people, dental anxiety is a very real experience. Not only children feel fearful of seeing the dentist, though early care is pivotal in how the adult handles dental care. Sometimes, fear lies in not knowing what may happen during your appointment. We often find that people put off seeing the dentist until they have such a bad dental problem that they can no longer avoid it. At this time, pain is causing undue stress that only increases anxiety.

If the very thought of seeing the dentist causes your heart rate to pick up, know that our team has the best solutions to improve your experiences. Countless patients have seen a new side of dentistry with sedation services from their skilled dentist at Smile Center in Buffalo, NY. When you consult with us about conscious sedation, you move toward a healthier smile through professional care in a compassionate, comforting environment.

Dr. Gordon Kent has treated numerous patients with sedation in the Buffalo area. With proven methods and dosing based on patients’ needs, he has successfully empowered many people with the confidence to get the dental care they need.

Dental sedation for your peace of mind

There are several different forms of sedation used in dentistry today. We are proud to offer each in our practice.

Laughing gas

Laughing gas is one of the mildest sedatives. Inhaled in combination with oxygen, this sedative is highly effective at reducing mild to moderate anxiety and fear. Patients appreciate the quickness with which laughing gas improves their emotional comfort. Additionally, this form of sedation maximizes local anesthetic. Due to the fast-action of laughing gas, we have the ability to adjust dosage quickly to ensure the optimal level of relaxation throughout any procedure. When we complete treatment, an increase in oxygen and decrease in laughing gas takes only moments to stop the sedative effect. Patients may drive home safely.

Enteral sedation

Also called oral conscious sedation, enteral sedation is very popular amongst fearful patients who have a difficult time making appointments. This service involves a thorough consultation and health history before a prescription is written for a mild sedative. One or more doses of medication may be taken prior to the scheduled appointment time. Before leaving for your visit, you will feel relaxed and at peace. You may even find that you nap through your procedure! A reliable driver will need to be arranged.

IV sedation

We are proud to be one of only a few offices licensed for the use of IV sedation. This highly effective relaxation method involves the delivery of medication through an IV straight into the bloodstream. Most patients who choose IV sedation doze off and wake up to a healthier or more attractive smile.

Don’t let fear stand in the way of your oral health. Talk with your Smile Center dentist about your options for sedation.